For each rectangle click on two green dots to draw a line between them. The line must dissect the rectangle to produce the fraction indicated below the rectangle. Your solution to questions 1 and 2 must be different.
This is Fraction Dissect level 1. You can also try:
Level 2
Level 3
Equivalent Fractions
Fraction Pairs
Level 1 - Draw lines to dissect the rectangles to make the given fractions.
Level 2 - Recognise the harder fractions from the disected rectangle diagrams.
Level 3 - Recognise or calculate fractions of circles.
Equivalent Fractions Practise finding equivalent fractions numerically and in fraction diagrams.
Fraction Pairs The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of equivalent fractions.
This video is from the wonderful CorbettMaths.
Don't wait until you have finished the exercise before you click on the 'Check' button. Click it often as you work through the questions to see if you are answering them correctly. You can double-click the 'Check' button to make it float at the bottom of your screen.
Answers to this exercise are available lower down this page when you are logged in to your Transum account. If you don’t yet have a Transum subscription one can be very quickly set up if you are a teacher, tutor or parent.