في كل صف إحدى الصور مختلفة عن الصفة المشتركة لباقي الصور في ذلك الصف

أدخل إجابتك وتأكد منها


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light blue ball, dark blue ball, green ball1


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red ball, yellow ball, light yellow ball 2


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purple ball, orange ball, light purple ball3


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blue ball, green ball, blue ball, blue ball4


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turquoise circle, turquoise square, green square, yellow square5


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red circle, red square, purple circle, red square6


أدخل الجواب

green test tube, green test tube, white test tube, green test tube7


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left arrow, left pointing finger, left arrow, right arrow8


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mosquito, duck, ladybug, beetle9


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frog, turtle, frog, Kermit the Frog10


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bird with nest, flying bird, butterfly, Tweetie Bird11


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blue fish, blue and orange fish, grey fish, and panda bear12


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green snake, giraffe, brown lizard, red lizard13


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scientist with test tube, scientist with glasses and test tube, scientist with glasses and test tube14


أدخل الجواب

scientist with pocket and test tube, scientist with test tube, scientist with pocket and test tube15


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scientist with test tube, scientist with test tube, scientist16


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yellow, green, purple, and red atoms; yellow, green, purple, and red atoms; yellow, blue, purple, and red atoms;17


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spilled test tube, spilled test tube with cap, spilled test tube with cap18


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4-armed bug, 4-armed bug, 2-armed bug, 4-armed bug19